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Find Help & Healing for the Hurt of Separation and Divorce


Divorce Care meets weekly to help you face the challenges and move toward rebuilding your life.


If you are separated, going through a divorce, or have been divorced for a while, this group may be for you. During the experience, there is so much hurt and pain, which can linger for years. Know that there are others who have been through similar experiences who have helped shape this program and who will be leading the group. You do not have to go through this alone.​


This time of great uncertainty with all its financial and health challenges has strained many relationships. IF you are in the process of divorce or separation from a marriage or long-term domestic relationship, contemplating this, or still may have some lingering issues from a previous break-up: you are welcome. God loves you! You are not broken - the puzzle pieces of life are coming together as you become a new "you." We will be meeting virtually - people from all over the country are welcome to join us - we are welcoming and safe. We use a long-established and proven successful format to help people negotiate through the stresses of a relationship end.


St. Luke’s next group starts on Monday, January 23rd, at 6:30 p.m. in room 204.


Contact Michele Stanley HERE for questions and more information.



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