St. Luke's ELCA

Mar 22, 20212 min

Daily Inspiration - March 22, 2021 | Social Healing

As we enter this week of devotions on Social Healing, my heart is filled with the pain of the hateful murder of eight people, six of them Asian women, in Atlanta. Brene Brown writes, “Violence starts with dehumanization. Dehumanization starts with language. Accountability also starts with language: Hate Crime & Domestic Terrorism.” It is time that we strive to make real changes in our community and nation to stand against hate and dehumanizing words and actions.

Sunday, March 21 was the observance of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. I would like to share Churches Beyond Borders statement:

“The sin of racism is structural, institutional, interpersonal, and internalized how do we repent of all of this?

For those of us who have the privilege of closing ourselves off, we need to open ourselves to feel the painful truth of the sin of racism and white supremacy in our hearts and bodies, minds and souls. We must create space and structures that welcome and include the voices of those most directly impacted by the sounds of racism. We need to lament, repent, and be transformed. Challenging racism and white supremacy calls each of us to deep and honest consideration our perceptions, biases, behaviors, and systematic patterns. With lamentation and repentance, we hear God’s called to ask for the dismantling of racism.”

May we be moved by the Holy Spirit to make real change in ourselves and our society. Churches Beyond Borders conclude their statement with the following prayer:

“Pray with us. God of holy ground, move us to lament and repent. Open our hearts, bodies, minds, and souls for the cries of your people. Transform us by your presence. Drive us into action for the dismantling of racism in relationships, communities, and societies. Bless us with companions to support us, challenge us, and help us keep going. We pray for the elimination of racial discrimination. In the name of Jesus. Amen.”

In Christ’s love,
Pastor Tim
