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Adult Faith Formation

Your journey of lifelong learning and spiritual growth begins here. Whether you are taking your first steps on the path of discipleship or seeking to delve into more profound theological discussions, our diverse programs, studies, and discussions offer a welcoming space for intellectual and spiritual exploration. Find more on upcoming classes below.
The mission of the Adult Faith Formation is to foster lifelong learning about God, self, and all of creation, empowering Christians to effectively proclaim and serve Christ… locally and throughout the world. 

Current & Upcoming Classes

Downsizing and Decluttering | Foundation Legacy Series

10:00 a.m.


Starting on

Music Room

Moving is a major life transition. Imagine how difficult it is to part with your favorite shirt or picture. Now think about decades of memories in a home where you raised your children. Every person has a unique story and downsizing brings up a lot of emotions for both the senior who is venturing into another phase of life, and the family who is supporting the process. Listening, understanding, and supporting each other is important throughout the moving process. Come learn more about this transition from experts and bring your questions!

Smart giving | Foundation Legacy Series

10:00 a.m.


Starting on

Music Room

There are many ways to do give and be most efficient with transferring wealth. Some factors depend on how you have accumulated assets. It is helpful to think about different approaches of giving including tax advantages and timing during the year. Bring your questions too!

How to celebrate a life | Foundation Legacy Series

10:00 a.m.


Starting on

Music Room

Planning a service is typically done by your family after the loved one passes away. Planning this while all can hear and have input into the process can be very rewarding to understand what is important and have any questions answered, together. Your legacy can be celebrated by your closest family in a manner that honors both you and them!

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