Winter Wishes
Sharing Joy with Our Neighbors
St. Luke’s will be participating in four holiday programs to benefit our community. Everything begins November 12th with trees set up in the area outside the Sanctuary with tags listing items needed.
WAYFORWARD RESOURCES (previously M.O.M.) will have specific gift cards for $50. Pick a tag, register at the table, and bring the gift tag and gift card to the church office by December 1st. Make sure the tag is attached and clearly marked WayForward.
Dane County Foster Family and Aging Out Foster Kids Program will have tags with gifts needed. You may also purchase gift cards of any denomination. Pick up a tag, register at the table, and return the wrapped gifts or gift cards to the church office by December 3rd. Please make sure the gifts are clearly marked Dane County Foster Family or Aging Out Foster Kids Program.
Elver Park Neighborhood Program will have a bin to collect unwrapped toys, and a printed list by the bin. Gift cards of any denomination may also be purchased. Make sure the envelope with the gift card is marked Elver Park and returned to the church office by December 1st.
Horizon High School (new this year) is an alternative high school for kids who have had challenges with drugs and alcohol. Horizon provides an emotionally and academically stimulating environment enabling students to get control of their use and mental health. Horizon currently has 15 students enrolled. Pick up a tag, register at the table, and return gifts and/or gift cards to the church office by December 1st.

If you have questions please call the church office or email Darce Olson at Thank you, St Luke’s, for helping to make the holidays joyful and special for everyone in our community.