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Children on Sunday mornings

Welcome! We are so glad you are here. In Matthew 19:14a, Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.” We want children to feel welcome and loved when they step into the doors. Children are welcome to worship with us in the way that works best for your family. We understand that every family is different, and we like to celebrate our uniqueness. You may see little children dancing in the aisle or moving around services on Sunday mornings. Sunday school is available for children 2 through 5th grade on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Childcare/Family room is available during all four services.  Whichever your family may choose to worship, know you are welcome.

Worship Too (Pray-Ground):

Worship Too is another option/opportunity for our families to worship together as a family. We feel it is important for children to feel welcomed in the sanctuary for exactly who they are. Worship Too allows children the opportunity to participate in Worship in ways that they learn best.
This space is dedicated to all children of all ages and is an area for children to move around, play quietly, and observe and participate in the service. We ask if you use this space to please be respectful of other kids, play quietly, pick up after yourselves, and please no food/drinks.
Please note:
Worship Too will be removed for the following services: Confirmation,  Christmas Program, & Christmas Eve. For other large services, it will be decided case by case if additional space is needed.
Along with Worship Too, we also will have busy bags for families and older children to grab who would like to sit elsewhere in the sanctuary.
If you would like to learn more about this area, please check out this FAQ (attached) or contact Steph Kiel.


Family Room/Childcare Room: Located near Sanctuary   

Our Family Room & Childcare room will be open for all services on Sunday Mornings. Our family room is staffed, and parents have the option to stay with their child(ren) or to leave them with the trained childcare staff. Use the room for what works best for you and your child. The sermon is streamed through the speaker in the room.



Quiet Room: Located right outside the gender-neutral bathroom

A “quiet” room is available for those who would like a quiet room for feeding or to be with their child. There are rocking chairs and a changing table available in the room. 



Steph Kiel - Children's Ministry Director

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