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The St. Luke’s CRISIS AID TEAM is a resource to support groups in our community dealing with sudden, traumatic situations helping to fill the gaps in the existing support network when the unthinkable happens.


Local Afghan Refugee Update

St. Luke’s continues being a part of a broad network of organizations/agencies assisting local Afghan refugee families. Thank you to our wonderful congregation for your outpouring of donated items and funds! 


Drivers and donations of furniture are needed. Both efforts are being coordinated through the volunteer organization Open Doors for Refugees (ODFR).  To learn more about ODFR, visit the ODFR website.


  • Drivers / Assist getting individuals to medical, dental and government processing appointments. Details on the ODFR website.

  • Furniture / Visit the ODFR website for current needs and donation details.


Crisis Aid Fund

The Crisis Aid Fund is used to fill the gaps in the community support network. Donations will be directed towards the general Crisis Aid Fund for the next time there is a need in the community. ​We are amazed and so very grateful for your generosity...thank you!


Crisis Aid Team

The Crisis Aid team welcomes new members. When needed, we meet Tuesday nights at 8 pm via Zoom.


Crisis Aid News

Add your name to the “Good Neighbor Crisis Aid” email list to receive updates.



Crisis Aid Guiding Principles


The St. Luke’s Crisis Aid Team is a resource to support groups dealing with sudden, traumatic situations – assisting when the unthinkable happens.  We will:


  • work with other Madison area organizations to optimize their strengths including those providing food, clothing, shelter, other basic needs and professional case management. 

  • utilize St. Luke’s resources to fill the gaps in the network of partners.

  • communicate with the St. Luke’s community about the work being done by us and other partners.

  • recognize our support is for a short-term basis. 

  • represent St. Luke’s in a manner in line with our mission and Christian beliefs including treating all with dignity, respect and confidentiality.

Sign-up HERE if you would like to receive updates about this very important ministry.



For more information contact: 

Rhonda Stauske

or the church office at 

(608) 831-6084

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