Lord make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is Hatred let me sow Love; where there is Injury, Pardon; where there is Doubt, Faith; where there is Despair, Hope; where there is Darkness, Light. St. Francis
Despair comes when we lose something valuable and important. Sometimes we lose ourselves, sometimes an object or image we cherish. I carry a small Swiss Army knife, I have for many years. Come Christmas time when surrounded by family it has become protocol, even when unnecessary, to ask Dad—or Grampa—for “his knife” to cut the ribbon or tape holding the presents together. They do this whether they need it or not! Periodically I lose my knife and actually become depressed if I cannot trace my steps and find it and if I cannot find, I don’t really feel good until it is replaced.
Losing a small knife pales in the light of losing a loved one or losing a positive image of oneself. Depression moving into despair can set in like a wave flowing over us. Darkness clouds sunlight, energy diminishes.
A friend of mine, Caren Goldman said, “Whenever we as pilgrims on the way trip over sickness, loss, and other stumbling blocks, it is hope that bolsters our resolve to search for a healing path.” Hope is the antidote for despair.
As “instruments of God’s peace” we rest in the hope that is ours in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are not bashful or inhibited in offering that hope to others. The whole event of our Lord’s being born, living among us, his dying and rising establishes and solidifies hope within us for we know there is nothing that can separate us from our God. This hope destroys the post powerful despair we may encounter.
What have you lost? What words of hope do you need to hear today? Who might need a word of hope from you today?
Prayer: Thank you Lord for being the foundation of my hope and the “hope” gift I can share with those around me. Amen.
Pastor Jerry
Monday: Light chasing out Darkness.
