We meet in room 204, located in the education wing. Sunday School will be play-based having the opportunity to learn the Bible story through songs, story, sensory play, and more!
We meet in room 201, located in the education wing. 4k/K will learn a Bible Story for two weeks through songs, story, and play-based activities.
1st - 4th grade begins in room 107, downstairs. Each week begins together for music/activities and then splits 1st/2nd grade & 3rd/4th. Sunday School will cover each story for two weeks through rotations of cooking, science, drama, art, and more!
4th/5th Grade Sunday School
We meet downstairs in room 106. We will be exploring the Bible through the Spark House Connect Curriculum. With Connect, kids see how individual Bible stories connect into themes that span the whole Bible. In year 1 we will journey through the Old Testament and see the history of God’s people, and add context to who Jesus is and why Jesus is so important. In year 2, we will continue with the New Testament, learning all about Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection.

Registration is needed to participate each year. New families are welcome anytime! Please register your child/ren here. This ensures that we have updated information and are able to provide the best care for your child/ren.
Each Sunday School rooms are run by volunteers. Lessons are planned, and all information are provided. If able, we ask families to volunteer for at least a week ro two. Youth are also encouraged to volunteer in any of the rooms. Background checks will be completed for anyone for over the age 18. To volunteer please click here. If you have any questions please reach out to Steph Kiel at skiel@stlukes-elca.org.
Check-In System
Children from birth to 5th grade will be required to check in before attending their activity. The check-in system is located near the main entrance by the Family Room.
The guardian’s pick-up tag is needed to pick up the child/ren at the end of the service for ages birth to K. 1st-3rd graders have the option to WAIT or GO, which is selected during registration.
If you have any questions about Sunday School or Volunteering, please don’t hesitate to reach out:
Steph Kiel, Director of Children’s Ministry: skiel@stlukes-elca.org