Congregational Meeting
August 13, 2020
Please join us August 30, 2020 at 10 a.m.
for a Special Congregational Meeting
Dear Members of St. Luke’s Lutheran Church:
The Church Council is pleased to notify you that on Sunday, August 30th 2020 a special congregational meeting will be held for members who are eligible to vote. The purpose of this meeting is to consider extending a call to a recommended candidate to be the next Senior Pastor at St. Luke’s.
Please note that in order to vote virtually you will need to be in attendance via Zoom either by computer, app or on your phone/tablet. For those who are unable to vote virtually or prefer to vote in person, you can do so at St. Luke’s from 8-10a on Sunday August 30th. Meeting details can be found at
There will be an opportunity to meet the candidate during a virtual meet and greet on Saturday, August 29th. We are holding eight 30-minute sessions to accommodate the virtual nature of this meet and greet. Sessions will take place from 3 to 5pm and 6 to 8pm. Spaces will be limited in each session to allow participants to introduce themselves to the candidate and vice versa. To register for a meet and greet session, please use the sign-up genius available on St. Luke’s website or our application. If you do not have access to the sign-up genius and wish to participate, please call the church office to register.
All confirmed members can vote at the congregational meeting. If you are uncertain about your membership status, please contact the church office. Voting members are confirmed members of St. Luke’s who have communed in the congregation and have made a financial contribution of record to the congregation during the last two years.
We have waited a long time for this day and we look forward to your participation as we take the next step in our Call process. Please make plans to join us for this Special Congregational Meeting, August 30th at 10 a.m. We look forward to “seeing” you there!
Your Church Council
Virginia Bartelt, President
Kevin Krause, Vice President
Scott Heise, Treasurer
Noel Miller, Secretary
Preston Rodriguez
Kim Nickel
Paul Raisleger
Sylvia Donaldson
Anne Marie Weber