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Daily Inspiration - April 9, 2021 | Healed to Serve

John 20:28 Then Thomas answered, “My Lord and My God!”

Thomas caught the love of God in the presence of Jesus. He did not even need to physically put his finger in the wounds that Jesus had on his hands and his side. He knew it was Jesus because Jesus was present with him.

When Jesus came to the disciples on the first Easter Sunday Jesus did something extraordinary—he breathe on the disciples and gave them the power to be His presence with others, to forgive or retain their sins. That means Jesus put himself into them and they then become his presence whoever they might go. Simply put— “you see the disciples you see Jesus!” Thomas caught that Spirit and he, along with the rest of the disciples, continued to spread the good news of Jesus’ resurrection for as long as they lived. “My Lord and My God!” Thomas and the others kept spreading that word of life until their life was taken from them.

How about you and me? When Jesus breathed on his disciples he also breathed of us. We are Jesus presence in our world today.

· Whenever we extend care and love to people around us we are sharing Jesus with them.

· Whenever we stand up for someone being put down by others, we are standing in for Jesus.

· As we stop color, race, creed, sexual orientation or anything else from separating us from others, we are doing what Jesus would be doing today.

What a beautiful and awesome gift we have been given!

In the afterglow of Easter go and be Jesus to the people around you.

Easter blessings,

Pastor Jerry.

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