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Daily Inspiration - August 12: Alone

Maya Angelou, a beloved poet of the 20th century wrote a poem entitled, “Alone.” Her poetry has always moved me and this poem is no exception! Having the blessing of hearing her speak and read poetry a few years ago... I have carried the memory close ever-since. Maya’s poetry was and still is a strong voice for the oppressed and vulnerable people of the world, however, some of her poetry speaks to us directly at this moment in history. I would love to share with you one of my favorite Maya’, free verse poems; as you read, please keep forefront her deeply felt awareness of God’s spirit and companionship within. Many days have passed since the onset of Corvid 19. Loneliness can be a frequent companion but as followers of Jesus we know he has left us with a constant companion… the Holy Spirit. Jesus promises in Hebrews 13:5 “never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” He knows that no one can make it “out here alone” and has left the comforter who will always be by our side. Though there are moments when the walls seem a bit close but the words of May powerfully imply, WE ARE NOT ALONE! Paul Harshner

Alone Lying, thinking Last night How to find my soul a home Where water is not thirsty And bread loaf is not stone I came up with one thing And don’t believe I’m wrong That nobody, But nobody Can make it out here alone. Alone, all alone Nobody, but nobody Can Make it out here alone. There are some millionaires With money they can’t use Their wives run round like banshees Their children sing the blues They’ve got expensive doctors To cure their hearts of stone. But nobody No, nobody Can make it out here alone. Alone, all alone Nobody, but nobody Can make it out here alone. Now if you listen closely I’ll tell you what I know Storm clouds are gathering The race of man is suffering And I can hear the moan, “Cause nobody, But nobody Can make it out here alone. Alone, all alone Nobody, but nobody Can make it out here alone. Maya Angelou

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