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Daily Inspiration: February 1, 2021: Where do you see God?

Updated: Feb 2, 2021

"Where do you see God?" That was the question Jay asked me to answer. A year ago, I probably would have said in the sanctuary, on service trips, or during confirmation. Since then, my life as a busy high school student has pretty much halted completely. Since school started virtually in September, my days have felt pretty repetitive. Zoom meeting after zoom meeting. Most of my social interaction has been playing video games with my friends. I haven't been in the sanctuary, I haven't been on a service trip, and I was just recently confirmed.

So where do I find God now? Like many people, this past year has opened a new chapter in my faith. I am seeing God in whole new ways, ways I never thought about before.

A lot of people have struggled with mental health during this pandemic. I didn't realize how powerful a "It's been a while, how are you doing?" text can be. Just checking in on my friends and family, having a zoom meeting with my grandparents, and enjoying a socially-distanced cup of coffee have all meant a lot to me. It's so simple but can mean so much, that's where I now see God. In the simple things that make a difference.

When I come down stairs in the morning, I see God in the scrambled eggs my dad made for breakfast. I see God when my mom helps me decide what classes to take next year. I see God in the snowman me and my brothers built in our backyard. I don't think I would have seen God like this a year ago.

So even though this past year has been difficult, it has allowed me to see God in a new light. I still will always see God through St. Lukes, but from now on I might spend a little more time looking for him in other parts of my life. "That they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us," Acts 17:27

Will Bush

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