Dear Friends,
Proverbs 3:5-6:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight.
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."
Recently I read a story about John D. Rockefeller's younger years. The tycoon was always nervous, on-the-go, and unable to relax. Another meeting was always on the horizon, complete with opportunities for success and opportunities for stress. Before long, Rockefeller's health was in a significant state of decline. But when someone asked him how much success and wealth was enough, Rockefeller would always answer, "A little more."
A news story described the state of the American financial psyche in a similar way: Psychologists have recognized that the stress caused by "keeping up with the Joneses" was a significant contributing factor to depression in this country.
"How much is enough?" "I need a little more . . . I have to keep up... The things I want I can get for less money."
Every one of those statements is all about “I”. All too often we suffer from “I” strain. We want to believe it's all about me and what “I” can do or have, but scripture points us toward another reality. This other reality proclaims that we didn't choose our salvation or even our gifts, instead, it is in God’s hands. Paul lifts this fact up in 2 Corinthians 4:7. "But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us."
It's okay to take a break. The world won't end if someone else gets a new gadget before you do. Your value is not in what you have or how much you make. Your value is in Christ Jesus our Lord. When we start with that acknowledgement and focus on God's generosity to us, a seed is planted and we begin to grow, moving to a place in line with God's orientation. Generosity begins to flower in us, and we begin to see material things not as stuff for us to acquire, but as items to be given to those in need, as a response to all God gives us. If we rely on God's generosity to us, we don't need to exert ourselves trying to accumulate or keep up with the Joneses.
Working together in Christ through the Holy Spirit we can do amazing things. It’s only a matter of us looking up to God for guidance and out to others in service. We are truly blessed when we are blessing to others.
May God guide you and bless you and may others be blessed through you.
In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Tim