Lord make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is Hatred let me sow Love; where there is Injury, Pardon; where there is Doubt, Faith; where there is Despair, Hope; where there is Darkness, Light; where there is Sadness, Joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be Consoled, as to Console; not so much to be Understood as to Understand; to be Loved as to Love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. St. Francis
Dying to live is a counter intuitive thought--until one looks at nature. Nature replenishes itself in the dying to rising cycle. From small acorns mighty oaks are grown. You and I are a part, an incredibly unique and blessed part, of God’s nature. His greatest gift to us is life following death.
Dying to whatever is transient, temporary, harmful, or damaging gives life what is more permanent, lasting, healthy, and beneficial. From the way we eat and drink, to how we live and in whom our faith rests, dying to rising is our avenue to joy. Saying “no” opens “yes” doors.
All the way to eternity. But remember, eternal life begins now. It is ours today. We will experience it in a remarkably different way passing through death’s valley, but heaven’s promise is a “today” promise. Dying to what hurts us and others, gives present healing. Burying our narcissistic tendencies gives life to serving others. Serving others curbs self-indulgencies and provides boundaries to self-addiction. Easy? No, but as valuable and significant as breathing is to life.
What needs to die in you so that you can live? What is stealing precious parts of who you are? Who can you be that gives freedom to others? For what do you pray?
God loves us as we are, not as we or others thinks we should be. He loves us, gently calling us to grow into new life now, and eternal life with him forever.
Prayer: Lord, take, O take me as I am, fashion our what I might be. Amen.
Pastor Jerry