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Writer's pictureSt. Luke's ELCA

Daily Inspiration - June 18, 2021

In Mark 4:35-41, this coming Sunday’s Gospel lesson, we read of Jesus assuring the disciples on the turbulent waters of the Sea of Galilee, all will be well. They had worked themselves up into a frenzy maximizing everything that could go wrong as the winds rose. Jesus, who was in the boat with them all along, “rebuked” the wind and said to the seas, “Peace! Be still!” And there was a great calm.

Sometimes I need a clear picture as to what faith in Jesus is all about in my life. Well, here it is. My life is like a boat and Jesus presence in my life is like he is lying in the front of the boat. My life, like any boat on any body of water, runs into storms that threaten to harm me if not destroy me. I become afraid, and I want to assure you it is OK to become afraid. It is what we do with our fear that is critical.

“Waking up Jesus” in my life might mean turning to God offering focused, specific prayer asking for help. It might mean reaching out to family or friends seeking support. When I pursue either, or hopefully both, things change. Whatever is eating a hole in my life is brought to light and, like the disciples on that near capsizing boat, I hear welcomed words, “Peace, Be still!”

Hearing “Peace Be still” does not mean all is over and done with, it means help is now here diminishing, if not stopping, the wind and waves threatening to do me harm. This is Good News!! This is God fulfilling his promises to us that he will never leave us nor forsake us. We are his, connected with him in our baptisms and fed at his table.

When we “walk wet” in the waters of our baptism, the “waters” threatening to do us harm in life cannot succeed. Jesus walks with us at all times of our lives wherever we might go. He is with you attentive to whatever is going on for you right now. The Good News is not only is help on the way—it’s here right now!!

Pastor Jerry

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