“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.” -Revelations 21:4
How do we do hard things? When you start some things in life, you sometimes have that question of ‘How am I going to do this?’. It may be, how are you going to ask a person you like to dinner for the first time or apply for a promotion at work or maybe even just get through the day. We have to embrace the framework in our head that we can do this and that we will do this. That is our internal positive thinking, helping us get through the hard times.
To me, that positive thinking only comes from my conversations with God. I ask Him to show me the path and how I can get there. We move forward knowing that He will wipe away our tears. He will show us the way. He is the way. He is how we keep a positive mindset through the hard times.
Not only does positive thinking change your life in a positive way, those around you will feed off that energy as well. I’m a big high five guy. I love giving a good high five. I say high fives are good for the heart. That is a way I pass along positive energy to others. It’s hard not to smile when you’ve received a high five. Right now, high fives are pretty much impossible, but that shouldn’t stop us from finding other ways to pass that positive energy along to those around us.
As Jay is going through these ten days to raise awareness for suicide prevention, I want you all to think of ways to spread that positive thinking with the people around you. How might that one high five or thumbs up change someone’s day? Maybe even more than their day? Even within our own minds we can draw on God’s love to keep positive thoughts in our lives. He will wipe away every tear from our eyes.
- Derek Ward
10 for 10 Daily Inspiration | Day 3: Positive Thinking